The iRunman blog that Alex and I used to document The Autistic Celebration Run as well as The Autistic Adult Picture Project, a page I host and co-manage with oddizms, are both named in the subpoena that was served to Kathleen Seidel by Mr. Clifford Shoemaker.
Any words I would use to describe this situation are not words I would print publicly on this blog (in fact I'm still quite speechless). Others are saying it for me, please see these links and the many links listed there:
- Clifford Shoemaker, What a Dick, Plus Other Views
- Kathleen Seidel Has Received a Sub-Poena: Streisand, Spartacus, Shoemaker, They Start with S and End the Same Way
- Neurodiversity Blogger Unfairly Subpoenaed
- Kathleen Seidel Slapped With Unconstitutional, Illegal, Barred by the Journalist’s Privilege, and Needlessly Invasive Subpoena (with an extensive list of links to blogs covering this issue)
We are with you Kathleen, we are Kathleen.
What a Web of actional links we can weave - Nashua Telegraph Published: April 9, 2008
jypsy, thank you so much.
The A2P2 as well! Ils sont fou, ces advocats
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